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I have been training with Paul for nearly two years and have noticed improvements in my ability to defend myself. Paul is able to break down movements that enable one to learn a technique easier and more efficiently. Additionally the drills that Paul uses in his classes are conducive to learning and retaining the techniques.

- Gerald K.


I have known Paul for 7 years and have been training with him for about 2-3 years. During this time I have learned more useful and effective self-defense techniques than in the 8-9 years I spent doing various forms of karate. Paul is dedicated and extremely knowledgeable. His background in various forms of martial arts (Krav Maga, Sambo, BJJ, Muay Thai, and others) makes him uniquely qualified to instruct you on the most efficient methods of defense. He has a knack for breaking down a technique into easy to practice “steps” which turn learning precise and often complicated movements into a manageable (and fun) process. He’s a tremendous instructor with an “eye” for seeing what you are doing wrong and how to fix it. He’s also a great guy. I recommend him to everyone who is interested in learning self-defense, no matter what your skill level.

- Alex S.


I've been training with Paul for about a year and feel that out of the several trainers I have had over the past few years he is definitely the best of the lot. What is striking about Paul is that he gives me the sense that I could be passionate about training in Krav Maga, something that I didn't get anywhere else. Over the past half-year we have trained incrementally and carefully considering I have some physical restrictions and had only basic prior experience, and I have seen my skills develop to the extent that I am increasingly confident that I will eventually be able to deal with situations using these skills. You do not train with Paul to learn the art of martial arts; you train with Paul to learn to fight to defend yourself and to do so smartly. People around me have noticed a positive difference as a result of the past half-year of training. Paul brings a lot of strategic intelligence and practical insight to the training room and he has always been responsible, prompt and fair. He's also a really Great guy.

Ivan C.


I was hesitant about attending my first class.  I had only ever read about Krav Maga, and was worried that I might be stepping completely outside of my capabilities and comfort zone, going in with No experience in anything similar.  Now I've been taking Krav Maga with Paul for over 2 years, and I only wish I could get back to going more often.

 I'm certain he is one of the best instructors out there.  Each class is attended by people of all different skill levels and abilities, and he is able to work with everyone simultaneously at their level. Whether intentionally or instinctively he is able to make small adjustments to the techniques we are learning, giving each student instructions in a way they can understand in order to help each of us execute whatever we are working on properly; something I have always seen as a sign of a good instructor/teacher.  Who knew I could fight?!?

Once you see the amount of personal attention you get each class, you'll see why it's worth every penny.  It only took a few classes before I was addicted. I still do my normal gym routine, but that alone can become mundane. If you're willing to put in the work these classes can be intense, while also teaching you practical skills. I'm definitely in the best shape I've ever been, and more confident than ever.

- Rachel S.


Paul is an outstanding teacher who has many years of fighting experience not only in MMA but also Jiu Jitsu and Russian Sambo.  He has the unique talent of being able to focus in on each student's strengths and weaknesses so that everyone makes progress and enjoys the class.  In Paul's Krav Maga class, you will learn how to defend yourself against single and multiple attackers, as well as knife and gun attacks.  Highly recommended.

- David A


I first met Paul when we were both students in Krav Maga and have been able to see his progression into a talented and enthusiastic instructor. Once he became an instructor I began training with him directly and his attention for detail has really progressed my Krav Maga skills. I began taking Krav Maga in order to feel more secure not only because of my work in difficult neighborhoods but also for my safety overall as a woman in an unpredictable and unfortunately sometimes violent world. Through my training with Paul I have found my skills have increased, along with my confidence, awareness and overall fitness as an added perk. No matter the size of the class Paul makes sure that you practice each technique so that it will actually be effective. He has a keen eye for what will work in a real life scenario and he has helped remind me to focus when my effort or technique has begun to slack. Paul’s passion for Krav Maga is infectious and motivating. I would highly recommend him to both new and experienced students.

-Jamie S.


Practice, tactical, and to the point – Paul’s approach is everything Krav Maga should be! He’s a great teacher and we were excited to have him instruct at the 2016 Saratoga Martial Arts Festival. In fact, a number of our attendees shared that Paul’s “Surviving an Active Shooter” workshop was the highlight of their weekend. If you have the chance, definitely train with Paul.

- Matt Bernius, Co-organizer, Saratoga Martial Arts Festival



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